Buying heavy lifting equipment entails spending much money on routine upkeep and repairs

Rental Lift Services

Let’s face it, renting construction equipment such as a lift is cheaper than spending on new ones. Renting allows you to overcome increased equipment prices from the unpredictable market.

Elimination of Maintenance and Repair Costs

You get to save on labor costs, repair, and maintenance costs, and you also get to save on the sum of money that would have gone to new replacement parts and materials. Although you still get to spend some money on maintenance tasks when renting our lifting equipment, you ultimately save on time and money.


Renting Equipment

Most companies have managed to maintain financial stability, decrease costs, and achieve flexibility by renting equipment.

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)


Greatest Advantages

We highlight some of the greatest advantages businesses experience when renting our construction lifts rather than buying new ones.


Heavy Lifting

Buying heavy lifting equipment entails spending much money on routine upkeep and repairs. However, when you rent our lifts,

Project Specific Lift Rental

As a construction company, you might juggle numerous projects at once. Renting our lifting equipment helps your business avoid the logical expenses of moving heavy electrical scissor lifts, all terrain scissor lifts, and trailer-mounted lifts between various job sites. Checkout more about lift here. Each site can have access to our lifts whenever they are required. If your construction project needs specialized lifting equipment for only a few days, you will have them on time and still enjoy huge savings.

Storage Fees

You will require a location to keep them safe when you invest in expensive lifting equipment, including electric boom lifts, boom lifter diesel straight arm, and electric scissor lifts. Failure to store them properly means they will deteriorate more quickly, especially when exposed to adverse weather conditions. As a result, you will be required to spend a lot of money on renting warehouse space and other available storage options.

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Construction lifts

When you rent our construction lifts, you never have to be concerned about the extra expenses of storage or your pricey equipment being exposed to harsh weather. Find more about liftutleie here.

Market Protection

The construction industry is constantly changing, and many factors can affect supply and demand. Unfortunately, you do not have control over equipment price changes or availability. Find more about sakselift here. 

However, by renting our construction lifts, you can fully protect your business from unpredictable market downturns. Better yet, you won’t be stuck paying for pricey equipment you will not even use when your business slows down.

Overcome Transportation Problems

It takes time, effort, and commitment to transport heavy all-terrain scissor lifts and electric scissor lifts to and from the project locations. It also means that you might have to suspend your projects when transportation problems are encountered. Additionally, there are many risks associated with the transportation of large equipment. By renting lifts from us, you do not have to worry about incurring the hefty costs of replacing expensive equipment in the event of an accident. With our lift rental services, you also get to save on labor costs.